• Schloss Rötteln

    Schloss Rötteln

    Sa 12.04.2025 • im Ausland

    Röttler Schloss

    Geführte Wanderung Geführte Wanderung

    Röttler Schloss

    English guided - all details to the hike in the following pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Röttler Schloss is a remarkable landmark on a rocky hill in the lower Wiesental. It offers an unexpected view of the city of Basel and its surroundings. On the Tüllinger Berg we can spot the Rhine valley and the adjacent Alsace. Depending on the advancement of the spring season we may explore the rare wild tulipes in the vineyards. The star-like flowers are famous as they convert the scraggy vineyards into a yellow ocean

    Lörrach Haagen/Messe (301) – Burgruine Rötteln (437) – Daurhütte (452) – Ober Tüllingen (408) – Riehen (276)

    12.04.2025 10:05h Lörrach Haagen/Messe
    Zusätzliche Information

    ID / Passport required. Detailed instructions will be sent to all registered a few days before the hike


    Hanspeter Preiswerk, +41 79 395 97 58


    Wanderwege beider Basel


    Die Anmeldung ist möglich bis 09.04.2025


    Wanderung EU im Ausland

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